Thursday, May 7, 2009

Top Food and Drug cheese Danish

I’m a big fan of Top Food and Drug. I do quite a bit of my grocery shopping there, mainly because it’s close, but also because they carry a lot of odd items I can only find in trendier places (think Metropolitan Market or Whole Foods). And as we don’t have either of the other two, Top works for me.

I rather enjoy their individual pieces of carrot cake. The cake tends to be moist, the carrots are rarely rancid, and the cream cheese frosting is sublime. So it goes with their cheese Danish.

Our Top won’t let you buy an individual Danish, which is my loss. I had to buy an eight-pack, which included two each of lemon, mixed berry, apple-pineapple, and of course, cheese.

The bread is solid. Flaky, moist, and not overpowering in the taste department, just the way it should be. The frosting is an unfortunate aberration. It’s wet, even a few days after it’s made. There’s also very little of it, which held it back from a better score.

“The cheese! You always forget the cheese!” the Generalissimo barked from behind me.

“I never forget the cheese, you crazy bastard. I just haven’t gotten to it yet.”

“Then get to it!”

“Fine.” It was good. Just a hint of lemon that never got too pungent, but lingered like it should. The texture was right on the money, and they didn’t sweeten it to death. But like the frosting, they went cheap on us and added just a dollop. Huge mistake. With a creamy filling this good, they shouldn’t skimp. Bump the price and make the core a solid mass of the good stuff.

But alas, it wasn’t to be. And as a result, what could have ranked among the top ten regionally will have to live with being just mildly above average.

“But the filling! It was a masterpiece! A Van Gogh, but with the ear still attached!”

He’s scaring me again. But for once, his crazy is making some sense.


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